York University International Entrance Scholarship is for international students who have exceptional academic performance, and are looking for ways to enroll in this school. The school will be fully in charge of education materials and tuition fees too.
About York University
This University is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and it is among the first three largest universities in Toronto Canada. The total number of international students is 52,300 and 295,000 alumni globally. The institution has different campuses in numerous parts of the world with their standard education that lots of students have benefitted from. In the future, the institution has a plan of becoming the number one university in the world.
Level/Field of Study
The York University International Entrance Scholarship is for all undergraduate courses. Any candidate who wants this scholarship must apply to these numerous faculties such as education, health, media, science, school of business, etc.
Host Nationality
The York University International Entrance Scholarship occurs at York University, and it is one of the renowned scholarships in Canada.
Eligible Nationality
This scholarship is open to all international students.
Scholarship Worth
The worth of the York University International Entrance scholarship is worth $140,000 ($35,000 x 4 years).
Any student who wants to be part of this scholarship must:
- Be an international student with a study permit for him or her to study in Canada.
- Be applying from his or her high school with at least two years of graduation.
- Have an excellent academic record or performance.
- Have applied before the beginning of the academic session.
- Have all the important documents that are needed in applying for this York University International Entrance Scholarship such as transcripts, predicted grades, and results of language proficiency.
- Online completion of the York university international entrance scholarship before the deadline.
Selection Criteria for Scholarship
- Leadership skill
- Recommendation letters
- High academic performance of 7.80
Application Deadline:
For any international students who are interested in this York University, international entrance scholarship should endeavour to have all their necessary documents ready ahead of time, and the deadline is always February of every year.
This is the application link: